SKU ERP6286-20030


Pediatric Therapists care for a wide range of patient sizes, infants to adult size teenagers. The amazing design of LiteGait® I 200P allows successful treatment of the entire "pediatric" population with a single device. The design makes use of a 24 inch inverted vertical lift column (similar to adult LiteGait models) and 24 inches of manual adjustability of the yoke along the inverted column (similar to pediatric LiteGait models). The advantage of the LG 200P is that it allows a pediatric therapist the freedom to treat multi-level patients with a single piece of equipment. While the standard 30 inch inside base width* fits most treadmills and wheelchairs, and is wide enough to provide room for a therapist and infant patient to work on crawling techniques. Included with the unit are both Junior (17" to 33") and Small Adult harnesses (22" to 45"), together fitting patients with 17 to 45 inches of girth. Optional Infant and Larger Adult harnesses are also available. The controllable flexibility of FlexAble yoke is also included in this design, allowing the patient to experience a more natural gait. The adjustable yoke glides along the column to accommodate the patient's height. The added lift column allows the therapist to bring a patient to a standing position or aid in lifting the patient on to a treadmill for therapy. Max Patient Weight (lb).....200 Max Patient Height 2 (in).....72 Power Lifts (lb/in).....200/24 Unit Max/Min Height (in).....84/36 Harness Fits Girths (in).....17-33 & 22-45 Base Inside Width (in).....30 Overall Length (in).....42
